
Tools To Know About: Folderizer

This short programs automates the organization of digital objects into folders. The DRC batch loader, and other load programs, require digital objects to be hierarchically arranged, with this program you can skip the annoying task of creating folders and move items into them. The program takes a directory of files and moves each one into its own folder, giving the folder the same name as the file.

On a windows machine, paste the code below into a text file and save as folderizer.bat in the folder with all the files. Then run it in the directory (right click it and hit "open").

@echo off
for %%a in (*.*) do (
md "%%~na" 2>nul
move "%%a" "%%~na"

Thanks to Kristen at Denison for the Folderizer. If you have any tools you'd like to share on this blog just let me know.

Edit: Here's a second folder program, this one just creates folders (nothing is put in them) and the folders are named with sequential numbers. Follow the directions for executing this the same way as the Folderizer.

@Echo off
set /a Name=1
md %Name%
set /a Name=%Name+1
md %Name%
IF %Name%==100 goto done
goto loop

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