
Steering Committee Update--March 23

Committee Updates:

The Staff Development Committee

The Staff Development Committee met for first time on March 16 and is in the process of planning professional development digital training opportunities for library staff.

The Technical Infrastructure Committee

The Technical Infrastructure Committee hasn’t met since their last call.

The Search Committee

Alan Boyd indicated that the search committee is mid-way through the preliminary interview telephone calls for a select group of candidates. The search committee is working to develop a short list of candidates. Regarding the search, the Steering Committee had a general discussion about the pool of candidates, quality of pool, preference for location of the Mellon Digital Coordinator at a specific OH5 campus, and number of digital jobs currently open.


The Steering Committee members and other committee members will be able to participate in the interviews for the Mellon Digital Coordinator by having the candidates use our teleconferencing equipment to make a presentation as well as to participate in a question and answer session.

The Steering Committee members reviewed and revised the NGL Librarian Guidelines.

The directors agreed that at the upcoming directors’ meeting at Oberlin College scheduled for April 7th an agenda topic will be the revitalization of the OH5 library subcommittee.


Sustainable Digital Collaboratives

Liz Bishoff of OCLC has recently published a piece entitled Seven Keys to Sustainable Digital


Steering Committee Update--March 16

Committee Updates:
The Search committee is scheduling interview calls with seven candidates.

The Technical infrastructure committee:
  • divided up responsibility for monitoring different areas
  • plans to update the equipment survey by the end of the week.
The Staff Development committee meets today for the first time.
(Theresa mentioned Roy Tennant as a possible expert for the staff D committee as well as an article on UNLV's digitization project)

Guideline status updates:
Librarian Guidelines are being revised and will be finalized at the next meeting.
Budget procedure are complete and will be available soon.


Steering Committee Updates, March 9th 2010

Steering Committee Meeting Notes
March 9th, 2010

* A meeting schedule for the next month for the Steering committee was approved.

* Other meetings: the Technical Infrastructure committee meets on Thursday, March 11th. The Staff Development committee meets next Tuesday, March 16th.

* Still waiting on local committee rosters, which are being finalized.

* More documents were approved by the Steering Committee. The NGL proposal announcement template, developed by Ron Griggs, was approved. Alan Boyd will post this on the project site. The guidelines for Scholarly Output projects, developed by Ray English, were approved. Alan Boyd will post them on the project site. The guidelines for librarians/archivists were discussed and suggestions were passed on to Theresa Byrd.

* The budget guidelines document draft developed by Susan Palmer were discussed briefly, but in Susan's absence we could not have a definitive discussion.


Steering Committee update

Conf. Call 3-4-10

- Alan will try to create a web page for important current documents to provide easier access at Google Sites.

The search committee for the Digital Initiatives Coordinator has asked candidates to get references submitted. A few references are in.

Staff Development Committee will probably meet next Friday. All campuses have named committee members. Initial focus is summer institute. Suggested topics for training: copyright, uploading digital docs to DRC, scholarly communication

Tech. Infrastructure Committee will meet for the first time next week via conference call.

Progress on forming campus project evaluation committees:
- Oberlin - initial discussion w. library committee about the grant campus committee, it’s in the works. Separate process for scholarly communications.
- Wooster – have assoc. dean, 2 instructional technologists, library people are set. Not a faculty member yet. Suggestion: get a willing and knowledgeble Emeritus faculty member
- Kenyon – have assoc. provost, faculty member tentative, all set w. library folks.
- OWU – assoc. dean, will have it all next week.
- Denison – has faculty member, will meet w. assoc. Provost next week, archivist, will ask an Instruc. Technologist

Project proposal template. Ron will send for one more round, then final version.

Staff survey: no more work on this yet. Ron will send Alan research practices survey as an example. Staff Dev. And Tech. Infrastructure committees will review a draft, too.

Scholarly Output guidelines: Ray’s submitted a full draft everybody else will review by Monday, please.

Librarian Guidelines project guidelines: initial draft is done—we’ll review again at next meeting

Budget procedures document: we review a draft and will give a final look at next meeting.

Presentation at Ohio5 Academic Officers’ Committee meeting (re-scheduled to March 24): Amy & Ron will represent us. Mark will brief them via a conf. call. Nneed to mention guidelines and invitations for grant applications, plus make them aware that we’ll give honoraria, instead of release time.



DSPACE 1.6 features

There's no date set for OhioLINK to upgrade to the newly released DSPACE 1.6, but it's likely this will happen in a timeframe that will be useful for our project. Here's a summary of the new features in DSPACE 1.6.