
Steering Committee Update: May 20th, 2010

  • Susan Palmer reports that the Mellon grant gives us three years to complete the grant work, with final report due March 31st, 2013. Interim reports are due March 31st, 2011, and March 31st, 2012.
  • The Staff Development committee has finalized the program for the June 18th activity at Wooster. The program, Exploring the Academic Digital Landscape, includes 3 speakers, Tom Hayes and Jared Bendis from Case Western and Mark Tebeau from Cleveland State. The new Digitization Specialist, Catalina Oyler, has been invited to attend.
  • The Technical Infrastructure committee will be meeting in Wooster on May 26th. One major topic is the half-time web development position.
  • Campus Committees: The OWU committee has had an initial meeting and has solicited summer pilot proposals. Five proposals were submitted and the OWU committee intends to select two proposals for the summer. The Kenyon committee has received four proposals and will be meeting soon to consider them. Denison has approved two projects and has sent one back for revision. Wooster will be sending out their call for proposals this week, with a deadline for June 15th. Oberlin is awaiting proposals with a deadline of June 15th.


Steering Committee Update - May 10, 2010

  • The starting date for the Ohio5 Digitization Specialist will be July 1st for a two year position. This suggests a minor timing issue for the grant, which runs for two years starting January of 2010. We may have to ask Mellon for a no-additional-funding extension until July of 2012, both the cover the Digitization Specialist position and those spring semester projects.
  • Now the Digitization Specialist search is almost complete, the Steering Committee turned to the question of the 1/2 time position to support the web site. Alan and the Technical Infrastructure committee will develop a position description and will collect information from each campus about current and potential projects to inform the process.
  • Wooster, Oberlin, and Kenyon reported their progress in collecting faculty proposals for digitization projects, with deadlines for consideration in May and June. The response has been great so far.
  • The Steering Committee reviewed June 18th staff development meeting, which looks to be very attractive and useful for the Ohio 5 library staff.


New Major Committee Document

A survey of current digitization resources at each institution has been posted on the Major Projects Documents webpage.
A new web page, highlighting major new documents for use during the project has been established. These documents are also found in the File Cabinet section of our Google Sites area. This page is accessible via the link in the left sidebar at the Project Main Page.