
NGL Summer Institute


A group of library staff members discusses Lessons Learned in during the NGL grant


Attendees enjoy cupcakes as a thank you for all their work on grant projects

Thanks to everyone who came to Wooster last week for the Summer Institute. A video of the lightning talk presentations is now up thanks to Steve Flynn. 
More photos from the day are on the NGL Flickr page.


NGL Summer Institute 2012

This year's Summer Institute will reflect on everything we have accomplished with Next Generation Library grant at The Five Colleges of Ohio.  Our program will include lightening talks on the digital projects undertaken as part of the NGL grant and focus groups to assess how this grant went, how to sustain our projects and what to include in our next grant.  The day will conclude with a celebration of everyone who has helped make this grant so successful.  All library staff and faculty are invited to attend as well as students who worked on NGL projects.

Thursday June 14th, 10am-3pm The College of Wooster

10-10:15 Welcome (Scheide Music Center)
10:15-11:15 NGL Projects Lightning Talk Presentations
11:30-12:30 Presentations Continued
12:30-1:45 Lunch (Andrews Library)
1:45-2:30 Focus Groups (Andrews Library)
2:30-3 Cupcakes and closing remarks

If you plan to attend please register at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2012nglsummer