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Steering Committee Minutes December 1
1) Technical Infrastructure Committee update
- Newspaper taskforce is assembled and RFI is about ready to send out to vendors. Alan and Catalina will send out ASAP.
2) Staff Development Committee update
- Catalina announced a DRC collection curator training session next Friday at Denison. An additional session(s) will be planned for other institutions
3) Campus updates
- Oberlin -- some Shansi archives project leaders will present on the project at a conference at Queens University, Kington, Ont. next May.
- Kenyon -- spending on current projects appears to be low, evaluating the situation.
- OWU -- next date for proposal submission is December 9th; they are expecting two new proposals; $15,000 of $50,000 not yet allocated, may consider adding to newspaper digitization funds
- Denison -- nothing new
- Wooster -- new Pol. Sci proposal to store videos; discussions about storing some of all of 8000+ Art Museum digital objects
4) other business
- at yesterday's OH5 Operating Cttee meeting they we're yet prepared to fully discuss possibilities to repurpose CONSTOR funding for Hathitrust or Portico. CONSTOR funds will not be freed up until 2013
- the directors discussed Hathitrust and Portico features and costs; Amy, Mark, and Mary talked with John Magill about our Hathitrust and Portico interests
- Ray gave an OhioLINK update: 1) no word yet on Chancellor finding one-time funding to make initial EJC payments in January, 2) news sources are starting to report that a small 2-year capital budget bill is in the works, 3) Chancellor Petro wants all statewide ejournal and database agreements maintained, 4) an OL taskforce on ejournal funding formulas will be set up soon, 5) in January LACCC will revert to it's earlier smaller size; Ray will cycle off and Mark Christel will replace him as the independent college rep.
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