
Tools To Know About: Folderizer

This short programs automates the organization of digital objects into folders. The DRC batch loader, and other load programs, require digital objects to be hierarchically arranged, with this program you can skip the annoying task of creating folders and move items into them. The program takes a directory of files and moves each one into its own folder, giving the folder the same name as the file.

On a windows machine, paste the code below into a text file and save as folderizer.bat in the folder with all the files. Then run it in the directory (right click it and hit "open").

@echo off
for %%a in (*.*) do (
md "%%~na" 2>nul
move "%%a" "%%~na"

Thanks to Kristen at Denison for the Folderizer. If you have any tools you'd like to share on this blog just let me know.

Edit: Here's a second folder program, this one just creates folders (nothing is put in them) and the folders are named with sequential numbers. Follow the directions for executing this the same way as the Folderizer.

@Echo off
set /a Name=1
md %Name%
set /a Name=%Name+1
md %Name%
IF %Name%==100 goto done
goto loop


Steering Committee Minutes July 7

Technical Infrastructure Committee
  • Catalina reported that the OhioLINK ticketing system is up and running. College of Wooster, Denison and Kenyon still waiting for interface work to be done, but technical glitches have all been addressed.
  • Catalina reported that she and Matt are working on a DRC generic collection interface for scholarly repository.

Staff Development Committee
  • Amy told us that Committee members are working on survey results from the Summer Institute.

Campus Updates
  • Oberlin – 4 projects have been approved (one being slightly revised) – Artists’ books, Ethnographic collection, Music Education, and Music History – All $50,000 of Oberlin’s grant has now been committed. Bringing in a demo Zeutschel scanning unit the last week of July.
  • Kenyon – no update
  • Denison – has ordered a new Epson Perfection 10,000 scanner (ledger size)
  • Wooster – new Emerging Technologies Librarian has been hired, Stephen Flynn. He will attend the next DRMC meeting in July.
  • OWU – Japanese language project in full swing. Photography equipment has arrived, and a setup day is scheduled in August with Midwest Photo representative. Special Collections Reading Room construction has begun.


  • OhioLINK – Ray reported that the EJC migration is moving along. The process will be migration of all data, testing, then loading all Elsevier backfiles. The final switchover should happen by the end of August. OhioLINK has received its operating funds for the year and is paying for centrally funded databases.
  • Internet Archive – Oberlin has been approached about the possibility of becoming an Internet Archive scanning station. If Oberlin agrees to fund the labor, Internet Archive would provide a specifically designed scanner and software for high volume scanning. This is all still in the exploratory stage.

Tools To Know About: Brief Guidelines on Authority Control

A recent resource from North Carolina State University, Brief Guidelines on Authority Control Decision-Making answers your questions about the why, what and when of controlled vocabulary. This resource also goes over the basic architecture for setting up your own controlled vocabulary and provides a fairly complete list of authority control sources. If you're contemplating authority control for any of your digital collections, this page is a great place to start.


Steering Committee Minutes June 21

1. Technical Infrastructure Committee
  • Committee will be meeting in mid-Aug.
  • Catalina and Matt will be offering DRC admin. training on Aug. 2-3 at Denison
  • Catalina and Matt have just returned from a DSpace conference
  • Apparently all the issues with handles have been fixed, so we will be putting in a ticket to make all our DRC instances live.
  • Ray reported that LAC had expressed concerns about the DRC to John Magill at their meeting; John has resolved to work on this area.

2. Staff Development Committee
  • The group expressed appreciation to the Committee for yesterday’s wonderful Summer Institute at Kenyon.

3. Campus Updates
  • Wooster – they are short staffed as they have one librarian on maternity leave, another on research leave, another on medical leave following an injury, and another who has just been hired, but won’t begin until July 1. Otherwise, no new developments.
  • Denison – no update
  • OWU – a new director has been named. (Following the call, the official announcement that Catherine Cardwell, currently Assoc. Prof. and Coordinator of Library Instruction at BGSU, will begin as director at OWU on Jan. 2, 2012)
  • Oberlin – their latest call for proposals yielded four submissions, in Music Education, Artists Books, Music History, and Archaeology. Their campus committee will review these next week.
  • Kenyon – Joe Murphy will be heading up a new Center for Innovative Pedagogy, which will be located in the library.

4. Timeline Review
  • Mark thanked Susan Palmer for her review of the timeline and agreed with her summary of areas we were behind: faculty workshops, scholarly communications, student work, and assessment.
  • Ray suggested we talk with liaison librarians that are working with Mellon projects and raise the issue of assessment with them.
  • We agreed that it might be useful to start gathering all our assessment materials into a single area on the blog.
  • Alan gave an update on Oberlin’s work on scholarly communications and their faculty scholarship collection. He suggested that some of the other colleges might duplicate similar IRs in their instances, which might jumpstart our scholarly communications efforts.