
Steering Committee Update -- July 15, 2010

a. Technical Infrastructure
Catalina is studying DSpace, local projects underway, the basic OhioLINK DRC metadata scheme, and project management and calendaring software. She visited Kenyon this week, and Denison is next week. Alan noted that Oberlin (and others in OhioLINK) have been testing DSpace 1.6, which has new batch editing for metadata capabilities, etc.

b. Staff Development
Catalina will create a draft the staff survey Surveymonkey; she’ll incorporate some related questions from a recent Web Junction survey. She and Amy will discuss this soon.

c. Denison has another grant application from the Geosciences and it is out for review.

d. Oberlin reported that ContentDM has a new module with loader flexibility for METS/ALTO newspaper uploads. METS/ALTO is the standard for national newspaper digitization projects which allows keyword and article level access. Kenyon is scanning their current issues of the student newspaper.

e. Mark asked whether we want to have 6-month interim reports, so preparing future reports won’t be so difficult. Susan agreed to do one for the budget. Each institution will prepare one for their activities. Committee chairs will prepare one. A bulleted list is sufficient and we’ll coordinate this with project tracking records that Catalina will keep. Mellon needs the next report from us in March, 2011.


Steering Committee Update: July 7, 2010

  • We welcomed Catalina to her first Steering Committee conf. call. Alan reported that Catalina was reviewing project documentation and local project proposals, looking into project management software, and reviewing a lot of saved emails Alan passed on relating to services and ideas for the project that have come to his attention over the past 6 months. Kenyon and Denison have given some guidance on dates for Catalina's orientation to those campuses; Alan has encouraged the other campuses to suggest dates too and said there might be opportunities early on for her to visit other OhioLINK institutions' digitization setups.
  • We're unsure who will be the interim OWU steering committee representative
  • Oberlin is considering 3 local projects; others are in the works for a later round of committee deliberations
  • Wooster has used local projects funding to hire Deardra Fuzzel as a 1/2 time Digitization services associate
  • Denison has approved a 3rd local project; Kenyon has approved 4 projects; Ron will send the project proposals to Catalina for background; when all projects are formally accepted (see next item) we will post the proposals at the project's major documents site
  • Drafts of a Project Approval letter to send to faculty and a Project Grant Acceptance for faculty to sign were discussed. Alan and Catalina will come up with revised wording about intellectual property.