- Meeting 8/19/11 at Oberlin
- Working on project updates
- Looking into an Omeka shared server
- Writing documentation and procedures
- Investigating the outsourcing of the newspaper project
- Setting goals for the last portion of the grant
- Planning a Technical Services Day as a staff development opportunity
- Working on ideas for faculty workshops
- Thinking about assessment for projects
- Collecting statistics on how the projects got used in the curriculum from the faculty reports
- Would like to gather info on how the projects have affected undergraduate research (ex. Anderson project OWU; undergraduate scholarly journals DEN)
Mark reported that a group interested in developing a Latin American Journal will be meeting at DEN. The journal is called ISTMO (http://collaborations.denison.edu/istmo/ ) The journal covers Central American literature/cultural studies. It began in 2001 and is currently in its 22nd issue. Faculty at Wooster are very involved and the journal is hosted at Denison.
Campus Updates
- OBE on the verge of launching the King-Crane Commission with a media blitz
- WOO podcasts with regional dairy farmers (oral histories) are completed. Four potential new projects are in the works
- OWU developing two new project ideas. Two existing projects are completed (media law and medieval manuscript projects)
- DEN trying to complete all the current projects
- KEN has nothing new started but are working on numerous existing projects
- Susan stated that there is enough money left in the grant to do about 5 more projects per campus.
- We need to be 95% committed by the June 2012 Mellon board meeting.
- Mellon wants a second proposal by March 2012
Collaborative newspaper project
- Campuses need to post information about their “runs” on the summary web page or send them to Catalina
- Technical Infrastructure committee is talking about the technical end of the project
- Many faculty are interested
- There is about $40K available for the project
- Missionary project (proposed) is a large-scale digitization project and may send up “red flags” because Mellon has another large-scale digitization project and Mellon has very specific criteria on how they evaluate these kinds of projects. We would have to have clear and explicit assessment criteria.
- The Internet Archive idea would go out three years and might cost $17K a year for 1 shift of student assistants to scan. We should explore what collections we might have that would fit the research component for the IA. A proposal for this would be much stronger if there is curriculum integration
- Alan, Michael, and Gwen Evans(BGSU) and the Summon rep are having a meeting to work on issues relating to OL INN_Reach
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