Notes Ohio 5 Leadership Committee meeting at Ohio Wesleyan University August 4th 2011
Michael reports that Implementation is going fine. Denison has their load done, others should follow within days.
Publicity/Marketing Plans- A few staff members went to the summon training at BGSU. Kenyon asked Summon for Swag and got pens to hand out. The
Summon community wiki has lots of stuff, if you are not doing individual branding. Location of Summon on the library web page is an issue at schools. Suggested we can copy and (give credit to) the
BGSU LibGuide on Summon.
Suggestions for publicizing- letter to faculty and QR codes to promote mobile
One issue is finding home for LPs- no one seems to want them and some covers are moldy
We are still considering if we can get items to the Internet Archive in California, who is taking books no one else wants. While this is being researched, the work schedule has been changed so recycling will be done last to give us the most time to make a deal to get stuff to them.
Gov Docs Consolidation
Ellen sent out a report recently.
For Agency docs we need to follow a different plan than with hearings. The Gov Docs Group ranked agencies and are want schools to be a center for those records, but doesn't expect a full agency collection or even transferring docs between schools. Instead, schools will wait until weeding takes place, then the institution with that agency as a focus can take what would have been weeded. Schools will review what they collect based on this strategy.
A year ago, sub-committees were abandoned for affinity groups. But that didn't work- only science and serials met. Committees have not met, the idea was that groups would meet when there was a need, but that hasn't happened much.
Plans going forward to create these committees:
Collection Development
Reference & Instructions
Gov Docs
Serials/Electronic Resources
Committees will meet for a day once a year where each committee would get together with planned activities, instruction, and time for discussion of current topics. From this meeting they could decide if they need to meet again because there is stuff to do. Committees will be Co-Chaired by the director and another staff member, ideally staff from the director's library.
Shared technical/collection services
OWU lost 3 staff members recently, 2 related to Tech Services. They are thinking about restructuring staff instead of filling those positions as they existed. The library is now much more open to being "nimble & quick" and radical ideas.
We can start by taking a good look at what we are doing now. Don't just talk to people but really look into what Kenyon and & Denison are doing and how that can be expanded. And look at what Wooster and OWU are doing to think about that. Talk to Acquisition People to find Best Practices to see what they are doing.
Propose having a day where it is just tech services where they get together and talk about what they are doing, so they hear what others are up to and there is less fear of change.
This is a place for efficiencies and cost savings. The presidents really want people to look at saving money so Susan encourages us to look into this.
Letter to Eugene Tobin reporting on the NGL grant budget, looks good.
We have $40,000 of this grant set aside for phase 1 of the newspaper digitization grant.
Ideas for the next grant:
Maybe include money to negotiate with publishers for rights to put Ohio 5 articles into our IRs
Internet Archives- Develop a plan where IA provides equipment and we provide students and stuff gets scanned
Archive it a service where copies of the school's webpage are saved- ideally you track certain parts of the website and see its change over time. We could add external websites for scholarly study.
Deeper Classroom activities- better interfaces, allowing easy student input,
CLIR or other postdoc- to work on getting digital collections into the classroom -need to work with instructional technologists
Staff Development
Faculty workshops need to be held. One idea Maybe give funds to buy journals or to use for professional development. Or have traveling exhibits, and open houses at archives or other places related to the digital projects. Get video presentations from faculty that have done projects.
Also now being planned Tech Services Day
4 of the 5 schools are using Omeka, maybe we should host it for everyone at one location or buy the hosted service. Interest in purchasing the $1,000 hosted service. We can use grant money for the first year.