The Steering Committee for the Mellon grant has had several meetings in
January and wanted to update everyone on our work. Below are the key
items discussed and actions taken during our meetings.
Meeting on 1/5/10 @ Wooster
● Reviewed press release for the grant & time line for release
● Established a search committee for the digitization specialist
position: Amy Badertscher (Kenyon), Alan Boyd (Oberlin), Theresa Byrd
(OWU), Mark Gooch (Wooster), Heather Lyle (Denison), and Susan Palmer
● Planned the development of a wiki site to enhance communication
among the institutions as we begin actively working on grant programs
● Ron Griggs will work on a listserv that would include the entire
staffs of all Ohio5 libraries
● We have decided to delay moving ahead on the Interface and Portal
Development position until late Spring
Conference call, 1/12/10
● Finalized press release
● Discussion of where the digitization specialist should be based;
we will develop an information grid of various factors to consider and
each institution will fill in their sections
● Technical Infrastructure Committee formed: Alan Boyd (Oberlin),
Meghan Frazer (Kenyon), Mark Gooch (Wooster), Emily Haddaway (OWU), and
digitization specialist (when hired) - Denison rep. to be named soon
● Ron Griggs, Assessment Coordinator for the grant, will draft some
guidelines for faculty grants during the project
Conference call, 1/20/10
● After looking at the location grid for the digital specialist
position, the steering committee decided to base the position at
Oberlin, though we’ll be flexible about location if other institutions
would work better for the specialist
● Began discussion of the guidelines for faculty grants
Some of our short-term priorities will be hiring the digitization
specialist, creating the wiki to facilitate communications, and setting
up the key committees.
The Steering Committee consists of the Ohio5 directors and Susan
Palmer, with Alan Boyd (Technical Infrastructure Coordinator), and
Ronald Griggs (Assessment Coordinator) serving as ex-officio members.
Once hired, the digitization specialist will also be an ex-officio
member. Please contact me or any of the Steering Committee if you have
Mark A. Christel
Director of Libraries
The College of Wooster
1140 Beall Avenue
Wooster, OH 44691
(330) 263-2483
(330) 263-2253 (fax)
TIC meeting April 2012
12 years ago
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