
Steering Committee Minutes -- Oct. 27, 2011

Steering Committee Conference Call Minutes October 27, 2011
  --note taker: Alan Boyd

Technical Infrastructure Committee update
• Report from Alan – Omeka server is set up; local project administrators are being given access to experiment.  There will be a conference call in a week or so to discuss setting up the site and using it for real exhibits.
• Newspaper project details are in; Alan and Catalina will work it up as a draft request for information to send to vendors.

Staff Development Committee update
• Report from Amy - Technical Services workshop was well attended and useful (see earlier blog entry for agenda); afternoon small discussion groups for Serials, Cataloging, and Acquisitions were particularly well commented on.  Catalina reported that the feedback frequently mentioned getting the OH5 committees functioning again in these areas.
• This discussion broadened into the area of III's Sierra "early implementers" offer, and their Electronic Resources Module (ERM).  Michael and Alan will pursue an additional deal with III and we'll consider using OH5 CONSORT reserve $$ to fund on the CONSORT side.  Oberlin is close to having the go ahead from their VP/Finance too.  ERM, which is otherwise a quite expensive module, would be relatively inexpensive under the "appreciation points" deal III is offering right now along with a Sierra commitment. 

Campus updates
• OWU – 4 recently approved projects have been formally accepted by faculty and listed on our projects page.
• Other institutions--- nothing new, but continuing project work

OhioLINK update
• Ray reported that the OL Library Advisory Coord. Ctte is leaning toward their "model #2" option which trims several packages to come up with the $4 million shortfall.  The option to cut one big package is still on the table though.

OH5 Academic Officers meeting
• Mark reported that the deans and provosts are all solid in their support of OhioLINK.  All library directors will be meeting with their deans/provosts and presidents to update them on the urgency of the OhioLINK situation prior to the presidents' meeting with Chancellor, Jim Petro, the second week of Nov.  Ray will attend this meeting to supply any detailed information on the OhioLINK situation that the presidents or chancellor may ask for.


Getting started in Digital Humanities projects

Here's a link summarizing many of the resources several of us heard about recently at the GLCA digital humanities workshop at Hope College.


Omeka Server Support--Conference Call

See the TIC blog posting for a summary of todays call.