NGL Summer Institute 2011
The 2011 Summer Institute is focused on bringing staff together to share experiences about the changing work of library staff. The day will consist of breakout sessions where staff can hear about the experiences of others and share their thoughts on a particular topic. Our keynote speaker, James Ottavaini, will talk about Institutional Repositories, a new part of the library world that all 5 Colleges will soon be hosting.
More information is at http://ngl.crowdvine.com/pages/2011_summer_workshop
or register at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/nglsummer2011
New Digital Humanities Blog Section
NGL Steering Committee Meeting 5/26/2011
Attending: Michael Upfold, Susan Palmer, Alan Boyd, Catalina Oyler, Deb Peoples, Amy Badertscher, Ray English (for last topic only), Carol Holliger and Mary Prophet
Technical Infrastructure Committee
- Alan B. setting up a face-to-face meeting time in the summer and will schedule a 2nd meeting time for a conf. call as needed
- Committee giving feedback to Catalina on issues they'd hope she try to gather more info on at the DSPACE users group meeting in early June
- Mark C. sent out a revised draft based on information provided by TIC concerning delays in our DPSACE grant work that we feel OL should address immediately. Committee members gave him comments. He'll try to finish another draft today for review, and will plan to send to John Magill tomorrow.
- Catalina has just sent out email calling for registration for the NGL Summer Institute. The discussion panel leaders have be set and planning is going along well.
- Denison: no update
- Oberlin: new artists' books proposal just in; 3 or 4 others in the works for a mid-June deadline; could be enough that there will be competition for funding; Oberlin's looking at a new model of Zeutschel book scanner utilizing grant hardware/software funding
- Kenyon: another call for proposals will go out soon; looking at Book-eye scanner utilizing grant hardware/software funding
- OWU: Japanese language proposal approved, awaiting final signoffs
- Wooster: a history proposal possibly in the works
- Susan P. has just sent a email to Mellon asking specifically about timing on a follow-up grant. When she hears back, she'll get a phone conference together with Mark C. and others to work up some talking points for our next Steering Committee call.
- Ray E.said that another OL survey will be coming out very shortly covering local FY12 budgets and renewal priorities. The survey will ask for one answer per institution. Everything is on the table if there is no capital budget approved for OL by the fall.
NGL Steering Committee Meeting 5/12/2011
NGL Steering Committee Meeting 5/12/2011
Attending: Michael Upfold, Susan Palmer, Alan Boyd, Catalina Oyler, Deb Peoples, Amy Badertscher, Ray English, Carol Holliger and Mary Prophet. Absent: Mark Christel.
- Technical Infrastructure Committee
o Alan needs to set up a meeting for the committee.
o Catalina and Matt will attend the Open Repositories 2011 meeting in Austin, TX in June. This was approved by Alan, Mark and Susan.
o Matt quit is other position and will be looking for additional consulting roles to compliment his work for the Ohio Five.
- Staff Development Committee
o Training event will be at Kenyon on Monday June 20th
o Keynote speaker will be Jim Ottaviani of Deep Blue at University of Michigan. He will focus on introducing us to intuitional repositories. http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/about/index.html
o Workshops and panel topics—we are finalizing the topics and the program should be ready before our next call.
- Campus updates
o Denison—Nothing to report
o Kenyon— Will be issuing call for new proposals this month.
o Oberlin—Will send out a call for proposals soon.
o Ohio Wesleyan—
§ The Japanese language Japanese language proposal was submitted to the OWU Steering Committee
§ Some of the photography equipment arrived.
o Wooster—
§ Wooster’s new planetary scanner will be up and running around May 20.
§ We have candidates for our Emerging Technologies Librarian position on campus now through next Wed.
- Summon
o Representatives from Summon will be at Kenyon on Thursday May 12. (Right after our NGL Call)
o Olink issue may be Summon issue.
- Review of summer plans for CONSTOR (Susan)
o We discussed the work load at CONStor and Ellen’s time.
o We do not want to place all of the work on Denison staff.
o We need work out ways to balance the work over the next year and a half.
- Scholarly Comm. Road Show
o The Ohio Five added to the donation pool to cover lunch expenses for this meeting
o Encouragement of broad Ohio Five participation
§ This is an opportunity for folks to learn more about scholarly communication.
§ Encourage participation
- Ray talked about the issues facing OhioLINK and the potential areas for impact on some of the resources we use.
o There will potentially be more pay to play options than in the past.
o There is uncertainty about Capital Funding and what impact that will have on OhioLINK.
- Brief updates from Mark:
o I will try to get the letter out to John Magill about the DRMC in the next week.
o We have now received pricing from 2 of the 3 vendors on year-end purchases—still waiting for Gale (which is more complicated). We expect soon.
Tools To Know About: Firebug

Firebug is an open source add-on to Firefox for live editing of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Firebug integrates with Firefox so you can easily access the code behind a webpage, navigate to the section you are interested in, and see the results of changes to the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. We've been using Firebug a lot recently while creating the new DRC interfaces, and it makes tweaking displays much simpler. Firebug allows for easy testing and saves time by skipping right to the sections we want to edit and instantly showing changes.
If you're doing any web editing check out Firebug or, if you're a Chrome user, Chromebug.
Tools To Know About: Rapid Capture

The recent OCLC Rapid Capture: Faster Throughput in Digitization of Special Collections uses nine case studies as examples of how to simplify and streamline digital capture of non-book collections.
While The Ohio 5 already have processes and expertise in digital imaging, the examples in this report are useful on how to make processes more streamlined and handle larger volumes. The brief overviews address specific equipment choices, expected output, when and why outsourcing was used, and process bottlenecks. For anyone looking at digitizing a large, non-book collection this report can provide a great introduction.
Steering Committee Minutes April 28
- nothing new to report. Schools are working on individual projects
- Alan will continue to chair next year
2. Staff Development Committee
- Meeting at Kenyon. See Notes
- Amy will continue to chair for another year.
3. Campus updates
- Kenyon: Call for proposals going out for projects to begin this Fall.
- Oberlin: Developing web presence for King - Crane commission
Another call for proposals going out in May
Several test collections of audio and images up. - Ohio Wesleyan: One new proposal received (Japanese Language).
- Wooster: Received planetary scanner and are in process of setting it up.
4. Summon
- Meeting of Ohio5 implementation committee next week – to discuss and share mapping prior to re-load of catalog data, and to share problems, issues that individual libraries have encountered. Will also discuss Core360 issues (libraries have different experiences, varying familiarity).
- Alan reported that they have seen that there can be a multitude of reasons why a particular search yields a particular result, including vendor data, Summon data, local practice. Summon help and response is timely and generally useful. We should share examples of effective searches, and also problems (OWU has a local blog for doing this).
5. IUG report
- Innovative announced new platform to eventually replace Millennium.
This will be a phased implementation over the next few years. - Millennium being supported indefinitely (next release scheduled for later this year). No compelling reason for us to change anytime soon.
6. Report to Ohio5 Board
- Approved budget and committee chairs.
- Focusing on original core mission – particularly on cost-saving opportunities
- Library committee report (Amy): CONStor board is concerned that books are being returned and kept. Those fears were addressed and allayed.
7. Other
- Director searches:
OWU – 4 candidates have visited campus; one more to come.
DEN – meeting with provost early this summer to discuss needs/expectations for new director. - Ray is trying to organize a meeting at ALA with Oberlin group directors and Internet Archive, to discuss project to create an ebook library of copyrighted material. Interested directors who are attending ALA should let Ray know.
- No significant response from Mellon on our report to them.
Full minutes at NGL Site