The Steering Committee approved the budget outline developed by Susan Palmer and Alan Boyd.
The Steering Committee made further plans to ensure that paperwork and other basic necessities are worked out when Catalina Oyler begins in July.
The Steering Committee reviewed the campus grant review committee progress to date. We reminded ourselves that faculty stipends are to be paid 50% at the time of the award and 50% when the final report is complete.
Susan Palmer discussed the issue of intellectual property and rights for materials developed through the Mellon grant. Susan noted that, as part of the Mellon grant, the materials should at some point be made public.
Need link to the workshop on the NGL StaffDevelopment Web pages.
Jessica C. shot digital video of speakers. She and Amy are working on putting it up on web site, if quality allows.
3.Updates from committees
Tech. Infrastructure will coordinate orientation for Catalina; she will start July 6th. Alan is looking for orientation options for her at the campuses
Need suggested questions for staff survey that’s in development; Amy will have Staff Dev. Committee look at it; we would like to have a draft for Ron when he returns from vacation.
4.Catalina's early schedule/projects
Tech. Infrastructure Committee suggests a videoconference soon to local projects when all current digital projects have been approved to see where synergies & collaborations are possible and what’s needed immediately to support them
Scottie suggested that maybe Catalina’s 2nd week she can visit each of the campuses to meet all the staff, get a briefing on the projects approved so far for that campus, decide where she’ll want to stay when she’s there, find her way around, etc. The idea is to get the lay of the land without starting project work during this first visit.
what project management approach/software/etc. will we want to use? One basic suggestion to start is that Catalina keep an accessible Google calendar.
Mark and Alan will send draft orientation schedule to Steering cttee
5.Local budget/reimbursement categories
Campuses can bill the OH5 office quarterly, but if someone has a big expense, Susan can send $$ in advance to cover that. Susan is working with the financial offices to get the procedures and accounts set up.
Alan & Susan will do a mock-up of categories like this for our suggestions & approval.
June 18 workshop (Jessica Clemons joining in for this part of our conversation) -- light breakfast will be available since 8:30 arrival time is important -- CONSTOR decommissioning representatives to meet over lunch with Ellen Conrad -- 3:15-4pm-- optional meeting time for committees, new affinity groups, other breakout groups (this will be self-organizing more or less) -- Staff Dev. Cttee will send out reminder this week, incl. parking info
New developments/questions about campus grants -- we'll post copies of project proposals at the NGL website -- faculty stipends are ranging from $0 to $500-$1000 -- stipends for librarians are not part of the grant; release time possible, but could be problematic -- should be perceived as equitably set up -- Wooster using a large portion of the local project $$ to fund a digital assistant position
Tech. Infr. Cttee recommends postponing hiring the part time Interface Dev. Technician position until we have a better grasp on specific assignments and skills we'll need in the position
Alan asked for ideas for Catalina's orientation; she'll visit each campus, get an overview of projects in the works; one idea: have a video conference to summarize/discuss all campus projects
Next Steering Cttee conf. call times: 6/21 and 6/30 @ 1 pm
The structure of the site can evolve to try to meet the needs of the project. If you want to create a new subgroup discussion blog or set up a location to post project documents, contact