
Guidelines for Digitization Project Grants

The faculty guidelines for grant proposals to support digitization projects is now available in the documents filing cabinet.



Oberlin College article about the grant

The Oberlin on-campus web weekly The Source has published an article about the grant.

Digital Initiatives Coordinator search committee

The search committee (cf. 1/12/10 posting for member listing) had its first conference call yesterday. Here's the position posting link.

We'll start an initial review of applications immediately with a goal of holding interviews in late March and early April. Ideally we'd have the new person on board by May 1st.


Combined Academic Calendars

I have created a calendar at the bottom of the following web page which shows the Five Colleges' academic calendars.


Brenda Howard (Ohio 5)


Kenyon Fortnightly article

Here's a link to an article about the grant published in Kenyon's "Fortnightly."


--Susan Palmer


Steering Committee update

Conference Call, 1/27/10
● Discussion focused on the development of a new document, “Guidelines for Next Generation Library Digitization Projects.”
● The group agreed the guidelines should emphasize partnership with the libraries and focus on the type of projects we hoped would come out of this work.
● Ray English agreed to work on another document about capturing the scholarly output of our institutions that would complement the curriculum development grant guidelines.

Conference Call, 2/4/10
● Alan Boyd, Joe Murphy, and Emily Haddaway have put together a series of blogs to improve our communications. Alan will send out invitations to join the blogs to all who attended the Dec. workshop (Directors can also add names)
● The Staff Development Committee will be formed in the next two weeks. Scottie Cochrane and Amy Badertscher are co-chairs and directors will nominate one member from each college.
● The group reviewed a new draft of the curriculum development grant guidelines; we’ll discuss these again at our next meeting and then distribute the guidelines on the blog.


Yahoo feed for all these blogs

I put all of the OH5-NGL blog feeds into a Yahoo pipe, if anybody wants to subscribe to an aggregate feed:


-Jason Bennett (Kenyon)