Ohio Five staff present at Case Western Reserve University
Steering Committee Minutes 11/13/12
- Ron Griggs will review assessment documentation with a Kenyon institutional research assistant and have some preliminary results to incorporate in new grant proposal
- Steering committee call scheduled for 11/20; only topic: discussion of proposal; Mark will send sections prior
- first full draft of proposal done by 11/26
- goal to send to Mellon at end of November
- Alan keeping in touch with Matt Rolf re: CONTENTdm ---> DRC transfers (OBE and DEN) and some filemaker scripting work for WOO
- Staff survey still underway
- OWU - newspaper files back within a week - good condition; worried about getting some final reports
- WOO - getting ready to send print newspaper to iArchives; search starting soon to replace Marsha Bansberg
- KEN - digital services librarian starting in dec
ALAO Presentations
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Researcher Revolt panel |
Steering Committee Minutes 9/25/12
Steering Committee Minutes August 21
- Needed to reschedule the TIC conference call meeting since they were scheduled for yesterday and the Omeka workshop precluded. Omeka and the Project portal will be one topic of discussion at the TIC conf. call
- The Omeka Workshop was a success -- about 20 people attended so more people now know what they are talking about with Omeka. They got a good overview of pedagogical uses by Mark Tebeau as well as better options for certain uses (e.g. WordPress). Erin Bell was there and gave more technical details for 1/2 the group
- Newspaper content is arriving steadily on or ahead of schedule—there are some bottlenecks in loading due to temporary upload file space at OL and upload speeds at some institutions. Catalina is babysitting all this.
- Catalina is continuing to work on the reflection videos with faculty and students talking about projects. The two completed reflections are at http://ohio5.org/omeka/videos
- All campuses are working on wrapping up NGL grants for December and the newspaper project.
- Mellon is looking for full proposal by Thanksgiving and, after reading the most recent précis, is willing to fund $775,000. The full OH5 proposal will be on the docket for March meeting. Will need to demonstrate sustainability and provide evidence of support in the form of a letter from CAOs. We will need to ask provosts and deans to think about how digital initiatives have been incorporated into tenure and promotion. Have digital projects been included as part of tenure review? Must demonstrate that digital projects have had impact on campus culture. Professional development for library staff is important.
- Basic one-page outline to share with staff and get their opinions on proposal. Their feedback would be helpful when we are drafting the full proposal.
- Use précis as outline for the full proposal and add detail where needed. Also add information about assessment, sustainability, etc. to flesh out proposal.
- Need to get a letter from Provosts in support of additional grant. Celebrate what has already been accomplished and imagine what will be accomplished.
- Gwen Evans was named interim executive director of OhioLINK. Looks like things at OhioLINK could be heading in a good direction but not sure what future steps will be.
- OH5 Board Meeting 12/12/12 (Same day as Independent Directors at OhioLINK). Full board meeting around 5:00, with reports.
- Kenyon’s president announced that this will be her last year.
- OWU will be getting a new CFO and new Provost in the near future. Searches are underway.
- Funding for ERM: Susan and Amy are in the process of writing up report/request to operating committee, telling them why we want to do this. Will tie the request to Sierra implementation. Cathi will work with Amy Fry on a potential ERM workshop.
Steering Committee Minutes August 7th
- Technical Infrastructure Committee update
- Alan--update schuduled for a call on Aug. 20. Confirming a time Talk about the portal. The current portal is not sustainable. Look at a web interface or wordpress.
- Tech will develop their own problems and answers
Staff Development Committee update
- Omeka training--Training will be on August 20th at Denison
- Anyone using Omeka for collections should attend. The training will be a mix of broad ideas and specific technical help
- Campus updates
- Newspaper project tests are up on test for Kenyon, Oberlin and Wooster.
- The tests look good. Wooster has all of Microfilm reels ready to go.
- Wooster working on faculty IR-2500 citiations in but are still working on the project.
- Oberlin has some some IR data up as well.
- OWU is moving forward on final major projects.
- Final reports are on the assessment document in the Wiki. Actually need the final report to Catalina if you haven't already. And create OCLC records.
- Kenyon is working on last grants and final reports.
- Denison is working on some grant payments to student issues.
- Comments/feedback on the precis? Susan is working on a cover letter and this will probably go out tomorrow.
- Any discussion of the OL survey on the discovery layer? This is a one page survey databases, link resolver and expenses. OhioLINK--migration from Sierra will be a smooth transition. Relates back to the Millennium staff mode that they are used to using.
Ohio5 Omeka Workshop
The Five Colleges of Ohio will offer a workshop about using Omeka on Monday August 20th from 10-3 in the computer lab at Denison University's William Howard Doane library presented by Mark Tebeau and Erin Bell of the Center For Public History. The workshop will cover broad strategic goals for using Omeka as well as answer technical questions. All library staff and faculty are welcome to attend, if there is space available student works may also be able to attend, please contact Catalina at caoyler@gmail.com for more information.
If you would like to attend this workshop and have not used Omeka before, please contact Catalina or your Technical Infrastructure Committee representative to get an account in the Ohio5 Omeka instance. Documentation and additional information about Omeka is available on the NGL Wiki.
Register for the Omeka workshop before August 15th at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/oh5omeka